Thursday, January 14, 2010

Catch Up

We’re in the new house!  Actually, Bonnie and I took a week off the day of the move and we had everything pretty well taken care of by the end of the week.  We worked our asses off, but it was worth it.  I’ll post some pictures of the house and area later.

Last weekend – January 9, 2010 – to be exact, Bonnie and I did the first ice climb of the season.  She hadn’t been on the ice for about a year or two, but she did great even if she was a little nervous initially. 


Is she cool or what?

It was pretty cold with temps staying in the teens and a good bit of the ice had snow cover on top of it, so when climbing I had to knock it away with my ice tool.  The ice itself was a little punky in some spots, but for the most part it was pretty good climbing.  Next time we go I’m going to check out Ever Drip, a route on the north west side of the spot where we were at.


Me climbing the icicle.

Dave Maddox showed up and his daughter and her boyfriend came out a short time later and climbed with us.  The more the merrier! 


Bonnie getting ready to climb.

Rowan?  Where was Ro all this time you wonder?  Why, he was belaying of course!  Ok, he was home with his grandmother, but don’t worry, he’ll be out there with us before too long!   Here’s a recent photo of the little guy.  He’s almost nine months old now and he’s already wearing 18 month old clothes.  We’re putting all of our extra money into food so he doesn’t starve.


Daddy’s little lady killer.

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