Monday, December 7, 2009

The Big Move

We’ve found the house of our dreams and are now looking forward to getting into it.  This comes at a big price of course, namely our sanity.  Saturday, December 5, 09 was to be the first foray to the new house with some of our belongings.  It isn’t our house yet, but we do have permission to move stuff into the garage, so we set out to fill it up.  When the signing happens on the 14th we want to be able to move right in.

Saturday was spent cleaning out the basement and above the garage.  Bonnie packed up tons of stuff and we moved it all out to our garage, which we’ve been using as a staging area.

Of course Sunday was the first snow storm of the season.  I got up, shoveled the truck off and loaded it up and made the first trip to the new house.  Bonnie couldn’t help move at first because someone’s got to take care of Rowan.  She did get some stuff packed up, but babies are such high demand little critters it’s hard to get anything done. 

We threw Ro in the truck on the second trip and he slept and Bonnie was able to help out this time, and man, did it go a lot faster with her helping.  I called Chey who put some of her plans on hold and she watched Ro while we made a couple of more trips.  In the end we emptied a good bit of our garage and got a lot of stuff stored over the garage at the new house.  Sweet.

Bonnie has been going crazy keeping track of all the details of the financial side.  Seems like there’s some kind of little emergency every day that has to be dealt with.  Ahh, such is the nature of buying a house.

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