Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting Big!

Guess who’s sitting up by himself now?sittingup

Yup, once he figured it out he got it down cold.  Ok, he’s still a little wobbly, but before too long he’ll be asking me for the car keys and I fully intend to enjoy him while he’s still a baby.

Awhile back I promised to put a picture of Chey on here of when we hiked Mt. Katahdin a few years ago.  It’s the highest mountain in Maine at just over a mile high and it’s a pretty tough hike – especially if you’re out of shape like she was at the time.  Not to mention the fact that we got up at 4:00 am, drove to Katahdin, climbed it and then drove home again.  Look at her expression in this photo.  I love it.



Here I am on that same hike, cool as a cucumber.  :-)


One of these days we’ll all hike to the top.  It’ll have to be when Ro is older of course, but before I get too old to hobble up there. 

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