Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time to start writing here again

September 23rd!!!  Man, the time has really gone by since my last post.  Well, since then we’ve gotten comfortable in the house and things are going really well.  Rowan keeps us running all the time,but that’s to be expected with a kid his age.  He’s like me when I was a kid according to my mother… a little demon.  (My words, not hers.)


Poor Bonnie has had a couple of rough episodes in the last week.  This past Saturday I was out in the driveway with Ro and we were working on a couple of masterpiece drawings on the driveway using chalk.  He bent over and picked up a piece of chalk, then a couple of more and was cradling about five pieces in his arms when he went to pick up one more.  Well, apparently his little nervous system was maxed out because he pitched over into the little chalk bucket face first and got himself a little cut on his cheek.  He starting crying and I picked him up to comfort him and check the damages (a nice little cut on the right cheek) when Bonnie came flying out the door to see what was happening.  She took him and did that Mommy stuff and pretty soon he was smiling again.

Meanwhile, I’d started cleaning up a mess in this metal locker we have in the garage.  A big bag of rock salt from last winter had been leaking some kind of disgusting stuff into the garage through the locker and I’d gotten rid of the bag a couple of weeks ago.  It looked like something was still leaking so I pulled out my dry suit (scuba diving suit) and some other stuff and wiped out the mess that was inside.  When I went to throw my dry suit back inside I cut my thumb on one of the metal shelves.  It was a bit of a bleeder, so I grabbed it tight and walked out into the driveway where she was playing with Ro and told her I’d cut myself.

She said, “What?  How bad?”

So I showed her and she freaked out and ran in to grab the first aid kit.  She didn’t want me coming in because she didn’t want me bleeding on the floor (how’s that for compassion?) and brought the kit outside.  We were right behind my pickup and Ro was crawling around in the back.  She put the kit on the bumper and it fell off spilling bandages, antiseptic pads and all kinds of stuff all over the garage floor. 

Anyway, I managed to upstage Rowan with my injury dujour, but I have a feeling that Bonnie had better get used to playing paramedic to the two of us as he gets older.

We went out a couple of months ago and bought a huge first aid kit and consolidated the rest of the stuff we had kicking around.  I think we now have enough firstaid stuff to carry out an appendectomy if it becomes necessary. 

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