Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hiking Mt Megunticook

We picked up a backpack carrier for Ro yesterday and took it for a spin today up Megunticook to Maiden's cliff.

This is going to open up a lot of possibilities that the little Snugli front carrier didn't and we're both really excited about it. Finally back to hiking!! And just in time for fall as Bonnie noted.

We've got a sled picked out for winter and we're looking forward to pulling him through the snow on our snowshoes. I can see a winter summit push coming up for Ragged this winter. Not when we need ice axes or crampons or anything like that, but maybe a deep snow hike with him all bundled up in his snow suit. Can't wait!

We left the parking lot this morning around 11:15 or so. The hike to Maiden's cliff is pretty easy and we made it up there in about a 1/2 hour of fairly slow walking. I had my pack, which is stuffed full of surival stuff (that comes in handy when hiking) and some food and water, and Bonnie carried Bowling Ball Butt in the baby backpack. (How's that for alliteration?)

Once we got to the top we stopped at the cross for a little while to enjoy the view then went a little further along the ridge trail and laid out the sleeping bag liner, broke out some snacks, and sat back and enjoyed the beautiful day and the incredible view. And what a beautiful day it was!

There are more pictures, but they're on Bonnie's camera and I don't feel like messing around with it right now. So, you'll just have to wait for the scenery pictures.

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